What is the purpose of an Ethereum Virtual Machine (evm) bytecode

We are going to dig into Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) in this article. Eventually, you will be able to say what EVM represents, what role it plays and where it functions.

What is the Ethereum Virtual Machine?

EVM is the critical component of Ethereum blockchain for transitioning from one state of the Ethereum world to another by conducting transactions collected into Ethereum blocks. However what exactly Essentially, it is defined by the ETH balances of different Ethereum accounts, which include both user accounts and smart contract accounts.

User Accounts vs. Smart Contract Accounts

User accounts are straightforward; they hold ETH balances. Smart contract accounts, on the other hand, are a bit more complex. These accounts also hold ETH balances but additionally contain storage for data and Bytecode, which is the executable program code. This Bytecode runs on the EVM when a transaction is sent to the smart contract’s address.

Where Does the Bytecode Come From?

The use of AI in developing smart contracts over Ethereum blockchains gave rise to Bytecode. Usually made in higher-level, comprehendible languages e.g. Solidity, these smart contracts are then translated to Bytecode by a compiler known as solc and later used on EVM. As a human readable language Solidity gets compiled to Bytecode through a compiler known as solc which can then be executed on EVM. Although difficult to understand at first glance, Bytecode is a coding system just slightly higher than Opcodes which is like Assembly language”.

Where is the EVM Executed?

The EVM runs on every Ethereum node within the network. When a user signs a transaction addressed to a smart contract, the transaction propagates through the network and is added to an Ethereum block.

Inside an Ethereum Node

From a hardware perspective, an Ethereum node could be a powerful server running a standard operating system like Linux or Windows. On top of this, the Ethereum client software (e.g., GETH) operates, enabling the computer to function as a node in the Ethereum network. This software handles communication between nodes and includes the EVM, which simulates a simple hardware architecture atop the regular operating system. This simulation is why it’s termed a “virtual machine.” The EVM executes Bytecode uniformly, regardless of the underlying operating system.

Components of the EVM

The EVM consists of several parts:

  • Storage: For saving information persistently.
  • Simulated Code ROM: Contains the program executed by the EVM.
  • Stack Data Storage Structure: Used during execution.
  • Volatile Memory: Temporary storage during execution.

When a transaction targeting a smart contract is processed by the EVM, it copies the world state storage and Bytecode into its environment. The transaction details, such as the amount of ETH being transferred or the specific function being triggered, are made accessible to the EVM through various commands.

EVM Execution and State Update

Once the EVM is set up and inputs are provided, it executes the program in the simulated code ROM. After execution, the Ethereum world state is updated, which could involve changes to ETH balances or modifications to the smart contract’s storage.


The EVM is a simulated hardware architecture within Ethereum client software, running on all Ethereum nodes. It executes smart contract Bytecode and updates the Ethereum world state post-execution.

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